
MERRY CHRISTMAS ! - Photo of the Week 2023-12-25

For the first time I can remember, I am not spending Christmas morning at home. I will not wake up in "my own bed". I will not make my way down to our living room and see stockings and wrapped gifts around the base of the tree. That is not to say I won't enjoy a Very Merry Christmas because I most certainly will ...

... at Matt & Claire's, Revolve Farms, where we will be blessed to spend time with family and enjoy holiday cheer in one of the most warm and inviting places I have experienced. We will spend some warm family time with our boys and their lovely partners. Fortune truly touches me.

' Merry Christmas from Revolve Farms '
A bit of the backstory on this image ... as we prepared for our visit to Revolve Farms, I had not been looking ahead to my next blog post and realized that Monday would be Christmas and I needed an appropriate image. With not much snow, nor opportunity for a seasonal vibe, I decided to leave it until we got to the farm and capture some of the lovely decorations I knew Claire would have arranged. Christmas Eve morning, I was setting up my temporary computer desk and the idea to capture the lit tree, reflection in the window and timber frame beyond came to my mind. The morning light was arriving and for the right balance I needed to work quickly. My cameras were out of reach and I grabbed the trusty phone for this image :-O



Photo of the Week 2023-12-18

Something a little different for me, a black & white landscape image. What prompted this? Read on ...
' colourless beach '
One of my companions for the October Superior Photography retreat shoots almost exclusively in black & white. Leading up to the retreat, during discussions with Hersh, I commented that I would be interested to see his B&W interpretations of subjects I would undoubtedly be presenting in vibrant colour.

During my review and selection of image candidates for processing, I recalled the discussions with Hersh and selected one to process in black & white to see what I could create.


Photo of the Week 2023-12-11

Not long after last week's post, I completed my processing of a set of images that now comprise the series ' revealed '. The series features the magnificent Superior lake-bed colours and shapes at Coldwater Cove, as seen with the use of a polarizing filter to reduce glare and reflection on the water surface.
With these two images, getting close with wide angle zoom allowed me to create interesting abstract interpretations using the natural patterns, shapes and colours in the rock of the Canadian Shield. I was left to imagine rough water and waves crashing along this shoreline because on this day there were but ripples on the water's surface.
' revealed IV '
' revealed VI '
Calm, sunny conditions such as we had
are something not too common for late October on the lake that is Superior. 


Photo of the Week 2023-12-04

I found that my images from our Retreat visit to Coldwater Cove group nicely into 2 sets. The first featured interesting foregrounds using the rock formations and patterns along the shoreline. This week's image introduces the 2nd set which features magnificent lake-bed colours and shapes, seen through the calm, clear Lake Superior water.
I've been eager to get to this set of images since reviewing them on the back LCD of my camera almost 2 months ago.
' revealed VII '

I really owe our Retreat leader, Andrew McLachlan, a big shout out for calling me out to join him on a large rock outcrop in the water. He asked if I was using a polarizing filter and suggested that with the glare removed, there were interesting patterns below the water. Well there certainly were and much more than that, there were magnificent colours.

A considerable amount of time was spent scrambling around on that rock. Making sure to keep my balance, lest I plunge camera and all into the cold water. Many different compositions were created and I came away with two handfuls that I'm prepared to share. This first image is not the first made but the first that had me thinking WOW!
More to come ... 



Photo of the Week 2023-11-27

During last month's Superior Wild and Scenic Photo Retreat we visited several locations on Lake Superior. Most were known to me from previous travels in the area but one in particular was not and oh what a treat it was.

Calm waters were not expected but they did allow for some unique waveless images on the rocky headland at Coldwater Cove. I ended up with quite a collection showing the interesting and accessible rock formations. Sneak previews when I was downloading after they days shoot had me excited for one or two but with well over a dozen it was difficult to know where to start, so I'll just start.

' wave action worn '
I had switched out lenses to the 17-40 wide angle zoom in order to get more in the frame and include more of the interesting formations in the foreground. I also used a polarizer to tame some of the glare and reflection from the strong mid-day sun, both on the rock and the water.
This is certainly a location that I plan to get back to for some more shooting.


Photo of the Week 2023-11-20

' Fall Colour @ Sand River Falls '

' Sand River -  lower falls'
' Sand River Falls - detail '

A return visit for shooting at the Sand River Falls allowed me time to make the short hike from the trailhead up to the lower falls. Apparently there are three falls accessible by the Pinguisibi Trail that starts from the parking lot N-E of the highway but I was with a group of photographers and only had so much time allotted for our stop at this location. Given that, I quickly set out for the nearest (lower) falls after telling the group leader where I was headed (safety first). Along the way I was getting glimpses of the water cascading through the relatively narrow channels of the river. I had been informed that during lower flow levels, much of the jagged and undulating river course is exposed and can be accessed. Not so when the water is high and raging.

Rather than stop on my way up, I chose to head straight to the top of the falls and work my way back, checking out vantage points on the return trek. I arrived at the top of the falls and explored the area, able to walk out on a fairly extensive network of exposed rock and look further upstream hoping for a calm, still water basin before the plunge for some reflection images.
There was no upstream still water and I started looking around for other photo ops finding a small maple in full red leaf at the edge of the river just as it starts to plunge. I removed by backpack and placed it away from the water with my tripod and took just my camera out onto the rock in search of a composition that would suit the dramatic red leaves. I found something that worked using my lens wide open at f/4 and zoomed out at 105mm to blur the background a bit and place emphasis on the red leaves in the foreground.
A short time later on my way back down, I stopped just below the main plunge and tried a technique to add motion blur to water, one we had discussed the previous evening. There are options in most of the new cameras these days to make and blend multiple exposures in-camera. That option usually outputs a jpeg image and while it may be of sufficient quality, my camera can shoot a maximum of 9 frames in this mode and has the option of keeping the RAW captures as well as the output jpeg which is what I selected. I used the output jpeg on my rear LCD to judge exposure and the blur of the flowing water and retained the RAW files as a fall back. Lighting conditions were rather bright and it was difficult to select a longer shutter speed to help with the motion blur. The water was not blending smooth enough for my liking and I ended up blending the results of 2 sets of 9 RAW images in Photoshop to get the results shown in the additional 2 images above. Of course you can use ND (neutral density) filters to obtain slower shutter speeds and blur water nicely but I wanted to try something new.


Photo of the Week 2023-11-13

It had been a while since last away on a photo retreat or workshop and once all the planning, preparing, packing, paying and travel to get there is done, it was time to make best use of shooting time and all available opportunities ...
' rock & ripples '
After another shoreline sunrise shoot at the lodge we were on the road and away from our accommodations in the strong sunlight of an uncharacteristically calm and warm late October morning. We had stopped at a little day-use park area and the group was scrambling around some
interesting headland rock formations using the time to photograph details and patterns. Uninspired by the harsh lighting and a bit frustrated with the cramped location, I wandered away from the group and explored the sandy beach along the south side of Katherine Cove.

When I came across this rock embedded in the sand at water's edge I liked the simplicity of the scene but my first thought was that the glare off the water would be a problem. I decided to add a polarizing filter to my lens and see if they could be tamed. I turned the filter ring as I  re-positioned and voila! Magically the ripples below the water surface were revealed and the added bonus of darkening the exposure brought out the warm rich tones of the sand.

As often happens when I'm out with a group of photographers, I'm pushed to explore more, to work the location more, to extract more ... and there you go, opportunity not wasted ;-)


Photo of the Week 2023-11-06

Three different looks from one capture ...
When I framed this composition and made the original exposure, I was concentrating on the reflection. I wanted to keep as much symmetry as possible, with a low POV, bending down, camera hand held, not using a tripod, I was really just scouting the location at this point knowing that I would return in a day or so with a group of photographers.
What caught my attention later, while reviewing the day's images on the computer, was the difference in luminance between the clouds in the sky and their reflection on the calm water. After a minimal amount of processing on the original, I reworked the file to balance the luminance of the sky to that of the reflection and in addition, the reflection luminance to that of the sky ending up with three different interpretations of the scene, each with their own mood.
For reference and clarity, in the above trip-tych, the top image is the original.


Photo of the Week 2023-10-30

One week ago I had just returned from the shores of Lake Superior where I joined a handful of other photographers for several days of shooting immersed in the outstanding Algoma District of Ontario. The Lake Superior Wild & Scenic Photography Retreat hosted by Andrew McLachlan and operated out of Rock Island Lodge had long been on my wish list, or rather it's predecessor had. Since travelling to the area for work over a decade ago, then researching the area for solo photo exploits, I found it was home to an organized photo workshop and the seed was sewn.
The weeks and days preceding my return to this stunningly beautiful part of Ontario, had me struggling with my photography, feeling uninspired. Though it's happened before, given the time of year when fall colours were vibrant, I was in an odd place creatively and hopeful that the coming experience would see me through it.
The drive up Highway 17 from Sault Ste. Marie to Wawa, provided opportunity for stops at Chippewa Falls, Sand River and Old Woman Bay to test the waters and whet my appetite (puns intended). Though we would return to two of these locations in the coming days, I was able to get the creative wheel turning again ...
... then after arriving at the lodge, meeting our hosts and the other photographers, it was time for a first sunset shoot out on the shore.
' magenta moments '
You can find the images from this outing in my flickr album "Algoma" along with photos from my previous visits to the area. Most recent images will be added at the top of the album page and expect a few more over the coming days and maybe week or so. Yes the trip was that successful, I'm still working through the captures.


Photo of the Week 2023-10-23

From the series ' 2023 Bruce Autumn Roads ' featuring favourite roads near our cottage in their fall colours.
' 2023 Bruce Autumn Road - XVIII '
Hoping I had not missed peak colour, I made the drive along a favourite, soon to be (seasonally) closed, road near our cottage. Catching autumn foliage at optimum colour and in optimum light is all about timing, part yours and part mother nature's.
On this outing, I felt that my timing was slightly off getting the most colourful display and the lighting, though it began with some spotty strong sunlight, ended up being a fair bit more flat than I would have preferred.

That said, a group of three maples I knew of did not disappoint. They were a lovely hue of rich orange when they came into view. The rest of the nearly 10km trek in and out was lovely too, just not as vibrant as the spot captured in the image above.

Last week I wrote about my process of capturing sunset and highlighted that there can be a lot more that simply snapping off a single shot. That was the case for this outing as well. Between the two roads I travelled, I clicked the shutter nearly 80 times. At each spot I pulled the truck over to the roadside, parked with the 4-way flashers on, checked for other vehicles approaching, got out and walked to frame my composition and returned to the vehicle.

Not all of the images I made passed the initial edit. But a lot did and I processed over 2 dozen which are being posted to my online flickr gallery which you can see via the link in the opening line of this post.



Photo of the Week 2023-10-16

For me, photographing a sunset is often a process, an opportunity work the scene over a period of time and frequently results in a series of images. Such was the case with last week's ' sun down ' and a number of others from the session. Then I teased that this week's post may provide a look into the process behind it all.
In this instance things started early in the day when I checked weather apps for wind predictions. The previous day had been mostly devoid of wind, leaving waters calm. It was predicted to continue through the day and instead of repeating the previous morning's calm water outing, I chose to go search for fall colours fairly certain that I could catch sunset later.

Late in the afternoon, I checked on things down by the shore and began by making a few images of the interesting skies with clouds reflecting on the smooth surface of the bay. It continued as I kept an eye on the changing skies, light and position of the sun, exploring different foreground elements and positions. In all. I shot 45 frames and a screen capture of the RAW files from my Lightroom library will give you an idea of the complete range and how it evolved.

When I shoot sunsets I use daylight white balance to keep things consistent throughout the shoot. With the cloud cover during this shoot, a cloudy white balance would make images too warm for my liking. I always shoot in RAW file format and could change white balance in post if I chose or needed to do so.
I mostly shoot in aperture priority mode and use exposure compensation to capture the light levels that I am seeing. As the skies darken, I dial in -1/3, -2/3 and at times -1 EV as the situation dictates. A case can be made for manual exposure and I have on occasion worked in this mode. I just seem to be more comfortable with aperture priority at this point, your mileage may vary.

To explore compositions, I work my way along the shoreline to positions that allow placing the sun centre frame, right third of the frame and also explore with the sun high, middle and low. Options with different foregrounds follow next. I use rocks with sunlight glinting of their wet surface, rocks visible through the clear water and explore leading lines and "s" curves along the shoreline to the extent possible. I've also made a mental note to get in the water and explore vantage points yet untried. Obviously not all options are successful, but the process can have a flow that helps in finding something different. At an unfamiliar location there can be more capture frames and with a familiar location such as out cottage shoreline there can be less.

' calm & composed '

Those interested in seeing all of the images that were selected and processed can check them out on my flickr page beginning with this one and scrolling through the half-dozen or more that I've posted.

Before heading in when I was done, I decided to set up a remote shot with me in the frame and I think it worked out OK but those with a sharp eye will note that I've done some distortion correction from the RAW file seen in the grid above ... such is the case with low POV ultra wide angle shots.

' curtain call '

Let me know if you found this post of interest and I may just work on something similar in the future.


Photo of the Week 2023-10-09

' sun down '

Some unusually calm weather over a couple of days at the cottage provided both sunrise and sunset opportunities for photography. Taking advantage, I was again out working the scene along our shoreline using the smooth water to capture surreal reflections.

At 9:10, the sun had just dropped below the horizon, the day's performance was coming to an end, so too was my photo session. It had begun almost two hours earlier as I checked conditions trying to predict whether this would be a photo worthy sunset.

A number of captures were candidates for processing over the following days and now, a week later, my favourite of the bunch has been selected for this week's photo.
Teasing next week's blog, I may be giving some insight into my process when working a sunset such as this ...


Photo of the Week 2023-10-02

Well ... another 12th of '23 has passed and the final quarter is upon us. Fall colours have arrived, in varying degrees depending on your location. Time is set aside to visit some of my favourite locations for autumn photography, the results of which will be shared in days and weeks to come.
My appetite for creating images is returning, slow but sure. Just putting myself in regular positions that have led to success in the past has been a big help in getting things to flow again. I returned to one of those places, and at a time I had been letting slip by ... early morning, near sunrise. What a quiet, still, glorious time it was.

' quiet moments '
An unusually quiet and still morning on Hay Bay, Tobermory.



Photo of the Week 2023-09-25

Again ... looking back through my image library and I've come across something that catches my attention and makes me wonder why I didn't take it further.

' M M M Massey Hall '

Over many years of making images, some are bound to be overlooked. Particularly during periods of prolific shooting, it's easy to let quality shots slip through the cracks. A while back, I started working with this image in 'post' to create a multiple exposure / camera movement effect. I must not have been satisfied with the result and abandoned it to languish in the archive until it beckoned for another chance.

That chance came during a period when I'm not shooting very much and when I have been, I've just been going through the motions in an attempt to find some photo mojo. I'm hopeful that hearkening back to better photo times will help.


Photo of the Week 2023-09-18

' chicory dew '

Roadside chicory blooms along the cottage road on a dewy morning


Photo of the Week 2023-09-11

' lace in a bottle '

An interesting empty wine bottle and a stem of Queen Anne's Lace backlit through the glass of our cottage door


Photo of the Week 2023-09-04

I haven't felt like picking up a camera much these last couple of weeks. Oh I've had one in my had or over my shoulder but the desire to photograph anything has just not been there. I know it will return in due time, so until then here is something from several weeks ago when I visited Revolve Farms.
' Log Home at Revolve Farms '

' A place to sit and relax ... '
' faerie throne '
Lynn and I will be visiting again in the coming weeks and even getting to farm / dog / chicken sit for a couple of days. Maybe then there will be something to stir the photo - mojo and I'll get it back. We'll see ...


Photo of the Week 2023-08-27

Revolve Farms has a new flock ...

' hen house '

There are a mixture of breeds that I can't recall the proper name of. Most will produce colourful eggs, blue, green brown are to be expected when they start laying.

We have a weekend of farm, dog and chicken sitting coming up and perhaps some of the first farm fresh eggs.



Photo of the Week 2023-08-21

' Murphy '
It is with the heaviest hearts that we said goodbye to our "sweet boy" Murphy just a few short days ago. Such a profound part of our lives and our family for nearly 15 years, his loss has left an unimaginable hole in life. We know he is gone yet we feel him everywhere, expect to see him everywhere ...

I have not felt the urge to create or prepare any new images in the last few days. Actually, feeling a bit lost, I considered letting this Monday pass without publishing a photo of the week. I had nothing that I felt I wanted to share though Lynn and I had begun to think about a collage of Murphy photos for framing. So I sat this morning to go through my images. There is not one photo of him that does not move me, all tug at my heartstrings.

Scrolling along through the library, so many memories were stirred, so many good times, so many tears. It got to the point where I could no longer see clearly so I stopped, for now ... and this image is were I stopped.



Photo of the Week 203-08-14

' out to open water '
Looking out to Huron across Hay Bay from a favourite viewpoint on my morning walk ...



Photo of the Week 2023-08-07

' birch in evening light '

I just love how the evening light was kissing these dual birch trucks off the waterside deck at our cottage.

We have this birch one one side and another with triple trunks at the roadside. Both catch my eye every time I walk by (which is often) and I feel like there is always something to capture with my camera.


Photo of the Week 2023-07-31

For this first time I can recall since beginning this blog over a decade ago, I'm presenting images from the same outing in consecutive "Photo of the Week" posts.
Of all the images made during a recent visit to Bedford Mill, I selected a few for processing and sharing on my social media streams. Together they make up a nice small series. However I chose to release one per day (missing a day or two) which left me with two remaining as of this writing. For the sake of continuity, I decided to publish both today and conclude this latest series before moving on.
' mill & water lilies ''

' Bedford Mill - from the other side '
I'm certain I will be back to this picturesque location, perhaps fall might be a good time to drop by and see the colours ...


Photo of the Week 2023-07-24

I first discovered and photographed Bedford Mill in the cold during a blizzard this past winter. The resulting images were successful enough to form a small set of which my favourites were printed and framed for display in the entrance walls of our home. Since that first encounter, I've had it in mind to return during different conditions, for another opportunity to create images of the mill with a different atmosphere. An opportunity came in July and there will be more, perhaps in the spring and fall ...

' July at Bedford Mill '

Returning to the spot where you created some of your own favourite images can be a daunting. On one hand there is the knowledge the subject matter has the potential for some solid images. On the other hand, there may be expectations that you equal or better your initial results, either your own or that of those who will ultimately see the work.
In this instance, knowing there was the potential for some good images was the encouragement to pay the spot another visit.

The location is 4 hours from home and if not a final destination specifically for photography, is somewhere I have opportunity to pass through when en route to visit family not far away. When stopping by on the way to or from a family visit, time of day can be dictated by travel logistics than photographic concerns, but as luck would have it, my first set of images were made during a blizzard that arrived just in time for the drive home. It was photographic serendipity however, as it made for very interesting conditions and atmosphere. This latest stop was made while making good time on the drive. With 30 minutes or more to spare, I altered my route to pass by the mill, but it would be late morning and I expected much less favourable conditions for photography.

As it turned out, the sunny summer morning was tamed with some exposure blending of captures in post to deal with shadows and highlights. Though not as satisfying as my first results, this latest outing provided some decent results with the additional ones making the grade to be shared on my social media pages following this first from the set.

Enjoy ...


Photo of the Week 2023-07-17

dissipation - IV '
Returning to the cottage after a short morning walk with Mr. Murph, I headed down to the shore where patches of dissipating fog were creating a succession of surreal scenes
over Hay Bay .
At times, the sun would be shining almost completely through leaving me in a localized clear area where all could be seen. The fringes of these areas shrouded what was beyond. Other times, the fog was more immersive creating a softening of everything around me except the most immediate. At various points during the experience, patches of blue sky would appear and drift along high in the scene.

I stayed for a while and made quite a number of images which I have edited down to half a dozen or so for a short series called "dissipation".


Photo of the Week 2023-07-10

Heading out for Murphy's morning walk, I had noticed the lingering fog and grabbed a camera ...
' misty morning pea '

... and I should have also followed my own advice to check / reset camera settings  when done with the previous shoot.
As it turned out, I was able to save this image (shot accidentally at ISO 25600) in post with Topaz DeNoise AI software. Given that there was plenty of light and a very well exposed (perhaps too well) image, the noise wasn't as bad as one might expect, but it wasn't good.
My morning walk about camera is usually one of my EOS M-Series bodies (M3,M5). The APS-C sensor technology in these cameras is 7-8 years old and not on par with the latest offerings. But it did produce an nice rendition of the ethereal scene that greeted us at the end of the driveway when we turned to walk down the road.

Morning mist was lingering between the trees on either side. Sun was rising and burning through the fog, quickly as a matter of fact. So quick that when I checked the exposure in camera, reset the ISO to 'Auto" and went back to re-shoot the image, mist had disappeared further don the road and the moment was gone. But I still had this ;-)

Note to self: follow your own advice :-O


Photo of the Week 2023-07-03

Something from 2014 when I visited McLean's Auto Wreckers with a group of photog friends ...
' reduced visibility '

' tinted 'n cracked '

It's nice to have an archive of images to review for candidates to process and post. I can't recall exactly what led me to this date in the library but I've found a few to develop and share so stay tuned to my soc8ial media channels ...

Interested to see what a folder of unprocessed images looks like? Here is a screen capture from my Lightroom catalogue, folder 20140426.



Photo of the Week 2023-06-26

' paintbrush season '
Summer officially arrived a few days ago but I still have a few images of spring wildflowers to share.
This "Indian Paintbrush" was isolated, using shallow depth of focus, from a rather large patch of them along the road near our cottage. It seemed an exceptional season for this bright scarlet flower, at least in areas close to our cottage. A large number of plants showed up in places I had not seen many previously and larger "patched" in areas where I had.