
Photo of the Week 2018-09-24

Adding a human element in a photo can provide a point of reference, a connection that helps convey mood and emotion. The lone figure in the image below was intentionally included for just these purposes.

'watching sunset'
Even an image comprised of 15 separate captures, merged in Lightroom to create a sweeping panorama of the view from Singing Sands as sun sets out over Lake Huron can benefit from the inclusion of a lone, unidentifiable, solitary figure, sitting contemplating the wondrous view.

I waited until the person, who had been walking along the shore, sat back down on the picnic bench at water's edge so they would be in the same position over multiple frames before staring the capture sequence. Small as they are, when the viewer notices them, the image takes on new meaning.



Photo of the Week 2018-09-17

Happy Anniversary My Love

Thirty-Five Years ago today, I married the most wonderful young lady. I'm so very happy to have spent all of those years together. Where does the time go ?...

Happy Anniversary My Love
... I was reminded the other day, when I ran into a long time friend on my morning walk. We talked in general about time and how it passes quickly when we are happy and things are going well. Judging by how fast 35 years have passed, I'm very, very happy and things are going very, very well.



Photo of the Week 2018-09-10

Always on the lookout for a storm coming in off Lake Huron, I find it somewhat of a challenge given that our cottage is set back into the trees and faces south, south-east. Monitoring the weather forecast and keeping a eye to the west as much as possible and of course being up on the Bruce Peninsula had yet to prove successful.

I'd seen many images of storm fronts coming in across Huron from locations further south on the Bruce, Oliphant, Southampton, Port Elgin and further down to Goderich. I wanted something from further north where I spend a lot of time ... and then Lynn came back from picking up some things in the village saying "you should see the black sky heading this way!"

... I ran for the camera.

Just approaching the tip of the peninsula and about to pass right over us was a dramatic shelf cloud at the storm front. I made a large series of images capturing the various stages of the storm from slightly different points of view around or shoreline. Above is a collage of select images in sequence that shows the passing storm.



Photo of the Week 2018-09-03

I like to learn new techniques and/or tools and regularly try something new to feed my creativity. Lately, it's been some actions and presets for Adobe CS that have had my attention. I've been learning and experimenting with a number of multi-layer actions for Photoshop that produce an artistic interpretations of photographic images, watercolour effects, vintage effects, sketch effects mostly.

Here for your comment or critique are some of the results ...

vintage effect
urban sketch effect
urban sketch effect
vintage effect
watercolour effect

watercolour effect