
Photo of the Week 2012-01-09

Arboretum Sunrise

Lynn usually walks Murphy in the morning, but she was in TO this weekend so I decided to take him with me to the Arboretum ... along with a camera.

It was a brisk and refreshing walk along a series of connecting paths through the grounds. I was heading for a favourite stand of birches to see if the sun had risen enough to throw some warm morning light on them. I turned to head through the English Garden when I caught the sun just over the horizon.

A couple of dog treats kept Murph busy while I composed and made a few images. I like the limited colour pallet presented by this winter morning scene.



  1. The look that you can get with flat, blue-tint winter morning light - just amazing. And try that later in the summer, or even sunset in Winter. It's not the same.

    Another really great shot. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great picture...........about your verbage.....I remeber when you use to say "I feathered a wedge" or "I hit a knock down draw with my 6 iron" now its "limited colour pallet"....WTF...put my real cousin on the line.

    1. Hey "Cuz", it's me ... I'm multifaceted. I can still cut a Driver around the dogleg and knock down a wedge from 75 yds to stop it dead. I can also capture the mood of a great sunrise or sunset and work with the light to create depth and texture.
