
Photo of the Week 2016-08-15

I tried something different for presentation of some images recently, gallery wrap canvas. Gallery wraps simulate the look of painting canvas wrapped over stretcher bars and can provide an interesting presentation for images, but I've found that it quickly became overused. Until now, I've avoided even trying it, holding it in reserve for an image that would benefit from the format.

Since it requires not only printing, but stretching and wrapping then fastening the canvas around wooden bars, I decided to let a printing service do the work for me. I sent ta set of four images to Posterjack because they're Canadian, they get good reviews and they had some great pricing.

All four images came our nice, but one in particular stood out and thankfully it was the one that I had chosen to to print the largest at 24" x 36" . It now hangs on the wall in our guest room.
SanGim Flower Shelf - on canvas
The trial confirmed what I had expected, certain images benefit from the format more than others. To my surprise, an abstract image did not benefit as I thought it might. That I will ponder as I sit and enjoy SanGim Flower Shelf.



  1. That looks interesting, and maybe worth trying. How did you ever print something 36x48!?

    1. I didn't print this myself FG. I have a printer that can only handle up to 17" wide media. I used the printing service Posterjack to have it printed and they did a good job.

    2. correction: this print was 24x36
