
Photo of the Week 2015-11-02

Sunday morning after Halloween, I decided to get out for a hike along some local trails at the Ignatius Centre, north of Guelph. When I started out, there was a blustery wind pushing the unsettled skies overhead. Now and then a break in the cloud would come and the sun would stream through. Quickly it's warmth would rush over the ground before heading off in the distance. Over and over the sky darkened and I thought I would certainly get caught in a downpour, particularly when I was in the fields far away from where I parked. Each time the wind hurried the heavy dark cloud away.

As I rounded a corner at the edge of a field, along the treeline, the sun burst through to set off the golden glow of several small tamarack at the bottom of a slope. I quickly grabbed a couple of images and then the sunlight was gone.

golden tamarack
For this image I used some different software that I'd been experimenting with (ON1 Photo10 and a plug-in called Smart Photo Editor) to process the RAW file giving the dramatic result above. Fitting around Halloween I think ...



  1. One of your best for this year :-)

    I thought I recognised that path !

  2. I think you should add "author" to your list of accomplishments! Your descriptive narratives are so well done that I am surprised you haven't tried writing before now. Who knows in your retirement that just might be your next challenge.

    1. Thanks June :-)

      'Writing is easy: all you do is sit staring at a blank piece of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead.' - Gene Fowler
