
Photo of the Week 2015-10-26

The fall symphony of colour begins with subtle change. The dark greens of summer yield and begin to take on lighter hues as the performance gets started. Soon there is a warm golden glow taking hold. Here and there, anxious maples are unable to retain themselves and they burst out with brilliant reds. But these are the soloists unable hold back, their kin have not yet broken out into the the main chorus.

The main show gets started with the hardwoods, showing brilliant red and orange they command attention and dominate the landscape ...  for a relatively short time. Soon they begin to tire, losing their breath, slowly fading, losing their intensity, drying to a crisp brown. This is the time for the aspen, birch and poplar to chime in with their bright yellows leaves chattering in the breeze.

One moment they are there struggling to hang on, then the blustery fall wind knocks them to the ground. The performance looks to be done, but wait ... there is one remaining faint voice, gaining strength, rising out of the din ... the tamarack burst forth, ablaze in their final golden song ... and this is the moment I have waited for.

Tamarack Finale


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