
Photo of the Week 2017-03-13

Winter Morning Hues 2017-03-12
Instead of bemoaning the loss of an hour of sleep, I was up just after 5:00 am (would have been 4:00 am without the change back to DST) having morning coffee and puttering about on the computer when I decided I should open the blinds and enjoy the arrival of dawn.

Daylight slowly arrived and muted hues of pink, purple and magenta began to glow in the western sky as sun prepared to crest the opposite horizon. Gradually, the sun would top the treeline and direct light would begin to spill onto the iced waters of the bay. The magical transition wouldn't last long and I began preparations, donning some gear to keep out the -15*C morning air and readying my camera gear.

With spare batteries and anticipation, I exchanged the warm comfort of the cottage, for the icy chill of morning air, the crunch of the frozen shore and the otherwise sublime silence of a winter morning to capture the magnificent hues ... 


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