
Photo of the Week 2015-08-10

This weekend at the cottage, I began reading a book I purchased a couple of years ago, "The Bruce Beckons" By William Sherwood Fox. Written over half a century ago, the book's introduction opens with "AT his first sight of the Bruce Peninsula the visitor cannot but be aware of a land astonishingly unlike any he has seen before."

For me, The Bruce is unlike anything else, anywhere else. I have likely mentioned in a previous post, that growing up in the suburbs, east of Toronto, my northern vacations were usually spent in the Kawartha's, or maybe Muskoka. Then there were no treks west past Owen Sound and north along Highway 6, up the spine of the Bruce Peninsula.

It is now, at this stage of life that I have the good fortune that allows me to experience this unique area regularly through all four seasons. With so much waiting for me to explore, it may seem a bit of a cheat for me to spend so much time close to my home base on Hay Bay near Tobermory, but with sunset scenery like this a regular occurrence, I don't have to go far for a great photograph.

On Saturday evening Lynn asked if I wanted to go down to the shore and watch the sunset. Why not ...


1 comment:

  1. I think I did read that book about 50 years ago. We've. Now parked our little camper trailer at Miller Lake, so I expect to be doing a lot more photography up there, at least May to Oct.
