
Photo of the Week 2013-07-15

This weekend, my photography outing on Saturday morning took me to Fletcher Creek Ecological Preserve, a Hamilton Conservation Authority property.

I was introduced to this place several months ago by Patrick and have since taken advantage of the fact that it is close to home. On this occasion, I arrived about an hour after sunrise and was fortunate that there was still moisture from a light dew hanging around.

Patrick and Alan, two of the other photographers that I get out with regularly, both are able to identify far more of the plant and tree species than I can, a fact that is a regular source of entertainment (at my expense). Nevertheless, I have set a goal for myself of slowly learning to identify more of the plant species in Ontario.

Along the east pathway leading into Fletcher Creek, I stopped to capture Silene Vulgaris, the Bladder Campion. No longer a "weed" to me, this wildflower is abundant to say the least, and proved to be a worthy subject adorned with morning dew droplets.
Bladder Campion
In addition, I saw St. John's Wort, Nodding Onion, Chicory, and a few others who's names I have forgotten for the moment ... a few at a time and I'll get there ... enduring the snickering along the way ;-)


1 comment:

  1. I like the softness of the image and the very narrow depth of field with a very well placed focus on the droplets.
    I went to Fletcher Creek again Sunday end of the morning, but from the other side. There were lots of jewelwings flying around the creek, a beautiful sight.
