
Photo of the Week 2019-08-05

In creating the series 'HORIZONS' I cannot help but explore a connection, an attraction, almost an addiction, that I have with including water in many of my images.

Drawn to water and calmed by my proximity to it, I have been wondering what it is about water that instills a sense of awe ...

singing horizon

... apparently it's my "Blue Mind'. 

And here is "The science behind our connection to water" according to Dr. Wallace J. Nichols. An interesting quick read that has assured me I'm not alone and has me thinking that I should pick up his book 'Blue Mind' and give it a read too ... maybe while I'm on the deck at the cottage ?



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping to have a l0ook and comment Cathy.
      I've been wondering lately if anyone out there is looking at my Blog. It gets so few comments, but then again I don't promote it aggressively enough.
