
Photo of the Week 2016-06-20

My father always photographed flowers, the flowers in his own garden, the flowers during his travels, wherever he encountered them. So what better to do on Father's Day than pay a visit to a patch of Indian Paintbrush and spend time remembering the man that gave me so much ... including a love for photography.

Spring on the Bruce brings a unique array of wildflowers to brighten the landscape. Most well known are likely the Lady's Slipper Orchids. I've been studying these in books and online resources along with my cameras. A favourite that I look for every spring is the Indian Paintbrush.

I first saw these several years ago when Lynn and I would drive the roads of the peninsula exploring and looking for a property. As we made our way west along one stretch, I noticed a swath of brilliant orange-red in the roadside ditch and immediately stopped. I took out the camera (remember, you always need to have a camera with you, right) and got down on my hands and knees in the ditch, much like I did again this weekend, and made a number of images. Once back home, I researched online to find out what these strange colour topped stalks were and was introduced to the Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja affinis).

morning paintbrush
This patch of paintbrush were along hay Bay Rd. on the way to Simpson Ave. and the cottage. I lost myself in creative pursuit and reflection, alone, down on my hands and knees, along a quiet road, and I swear someone's shadow kept getting in the shot.