
Photo of the Week 2013-08-19

Along the way, on this journey, I have discovered many places and things of interest that I likely would not have encountered otherwise. Everton Cascade is one such place, and what a magic place it is. Sharing with others who have similar appreciation is what we do, and from a photographic point of view, it is always interesting so see how another photographer reacts, how they interpret through their imagery.

Plans for my most recent outing began to take shape mid-week with the normal series of emails probing for ideas, for places to go. Recalling past outings and favourite spots, I came up with the idea of introducing a friend to a photo location I had been wanting to revisit. I had mentioned it to him before, but he had not yet been able to get there. Enlisting an accomplice, I began kidding around, telling him that we had an idea for a location but that we would not tell him where just yet. We even threatened to blindfold him on the drive there so he couldn't see where we planned on going. Our plans ended with "you are just going to have to trust us" ...
... trust us he did, though we strongly suspected he knew the planned destination.
The Essence of Everton
I think my friend now shares my deep appreciation for this magical little spot, a spot where I could spend many, many hours just taking it all in ...

On a related note, not only was there photography on this outing, but I brought along my sketchbook and made time to perch on the rock along the cascade to see what would result ... completely unaware of time passing, I was also apparently completely unaware that I was being photographed.

Oh, the Tim's Ice Cap cup near my foot ... it's not mine; someone else had discarded it without consideration. I'd picked it up to take back and dispose of in the appropriate manner, which brings me to this ... I've started a new initiative, one that has been developing for a considerable time. I call it  "Photographers Pick It Up 'n Pack It Out". The idea behind the initiative is for photographers to carry small plastic bags, light and convenient like doggy poop bags, to pick up trash left by less caring individuals and bag them to be packed out on the return trek for proper disposal. It's primarily targeted at natural areas but applies anywhere. From now on I'll have a bag with me whenever I'm out shooting so I can pick up some of the crap left behind by others in the outdoors. Join me in the effort. Every little bit helps.


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