
Photo of the Week 2012-04-23

                          orchard elder

I've wanted to spend some time photographing the blooming orchards in the Niagara area for quite a while. Something always seemed to come up to prevent me from getting there at the right time.

This past Friday, I had some appointments for work scheduled in the area and at the conclusion of the work day I decided to take a leisurely, circuitous, scenic route home.

The layers of colour and old on new backdrop grabbed my attention in this scene. Ideally there would have been a little more contrast to the light, but heavy cloud cover made it very soft. The image needed a little help from post processing to pull the colours out a touch.

I love the character of the old fruit trees. Pruned, contorted, and knarled they stand vigil over the younger crowd.


1 comment:

  1. Doug, you were venturing in the backyard childhood of sun-kissed TOB, welcome to the light.
