
Photo of the Week 2010-05-10

Even the horrible weather forecast for a cold rainy spring morning can hold surprises and change to accommodate an undaunted photographer...

After the traditional stop for coffee, tea and such, we were out for a morning walk around the grounds of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph. Skies were full of rain clouds with small blue patches breaking through just fleetingly. With the weather feeling more like late fall than spring, I was uninspired ... and cold. The walk around the pond had produced some shots of the clouds rolling over the hills, a family of geese with several goslings and raindrops clinging to a variety of plant life.

Walking back to the vehicle we noticed a large opening in the clouds showing the clear blue of morning sky. If we timed it just right, we could make it to the old section of apple orchard...

bathed in sunlight

... the sun poured through the break in rain clouds, lighting the rows of old gnarled trees with their emerging blossoms and wet leaves. This was what I had come for. We were offered 20 minutes or so of strong warm sunlight to roam about capturing the character of this orchard on a hill and then the sunshine was gone...

Had we let the weather forecast keep us home, dry and warm, the experience would have been missed.


1 comment:

  1. The angle that this picture was taken is what makes this photo victorious! This picture is what one would see and imagine where they would place themself in here... what a relaxing shot!
