
Photo of the Week 2023-02-20

' sky pyre '
The final image in a series where I 'zoomed' closer and closer capturing sunset on the Huron horizon.
With sunset photography, scouting or knowing the location in advance helps me form a plan of how I will shoot. I use that plan as a guide only and adapt as I respond to what the scene is presenting.
I 'scouted' this familiar location along our cottage shoreline earlier in the day for ice formations with the idea of using sunset reflecting through or from them. I used The Photographer's Ephemeris to determine that sun would set almost perfectly centred behind the mouth of our bay. But conditions did not turn out as I had anticipated and my response was to shoot a series of images using the lens to zoom in tighter and tighter into the point where the sun had fallen below the horizon.
Here are the other images from the series ...
between the ice and sky - still  closer


between the ice and sky - closer

between the ice and sky

scouting the probability of sunset - II


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