
Photo of the Week 2020-10-05

There are times when there is nothing recent that I'm moved to process and post. During such times I look to the catalogue and the collection of images I have accumulated for something to share. I have some candidates flagged for processing, some have already been processed and some flagged and ready for posting.

There are also times like the past couple of weeks, where I've captured a number of images I'm eager to review, process and share, and ... there is a bit of a backlog. I've been here before. I'm able to post new content frequently to my social media accounts. The number may dwindle over the coming days as the emotion attached to seeing, responding, capturing fades and the internal editor asserts himself. We'll see which make the cut and what hits the cutting room floor ...
At the moment, there are several sunset images in the queue, all from Hay Bay, Tobermory. So for this week, I'll share back to back sunsets from Sept 20 & 21 as summer 2020 slipped into history ...

Cloudless September Sunset

amethyst adieu

I'm contemplating a sunset calendar project ... thoughts?