
Photo of the Week 2018-10-22

Photography featured prominently in my plans as I approached retirement, as did the cottage and enjoying the outdoors. For me these are year round pursuits. Fortunately the cottage is a 4-season structure and I'm not yet phased by rainy days or the winter here in Ontario.

So when planning to replace having a company vehicle (for 33 of my 35 year working career), I decided on a 4x4 truck that would let me haul 'stuff' to the cottage, you know wood for odd jobs, tools and such, in addition to hauling me and my photo gear anywhere I go. It is also great for exploring back-roads Ontario Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall ... ahhhhhh Fall ...

On a recent solo trek north for some fall colour photography, there were many stops, some U-turns and when the sign said "This road not maintained", how could I resist?

Now I had barely started down this one-lane dirt 'road' when the sun came out and the colours just exploded.

Off the Beaten Path I
The road itself was in decent shape with just water puddling in the low spots here and there so the truck was a convenience as opposed to a necessity, but it sure let me forget about whether I should keep going or not.

Off the Beaten Path II
While stopped at one point, I made a couple of shots with the truck in the frame ... it was barely even dirty from this adventure, but then I wasn't blasting through the puddles, mud and gunk ... this time.



  1. The colors are beautiful! Congrats on your new wheels
