
Photo of the Week 2017-10-02

A trip back to Paris, ON ... and some potential additions to my Skyward Series

Skyward - John M. Hall - I (graphic)
While unfortunately requiring a degree of convalescence from an injury to my right elbow and resulting infection requiring IV antibiotics, I decided to make a visit back to Paris for some infrared captures around the town. The IR converted EOS M and my G3X proved light enough that I could wield them without pain or further aggravating the elbow.

It was a great morning for shooting IR with bright sun, though I would have preferred some cloud in an otherwise clear sky. I spent  a few hours wandering around the town, capturing images of the prominent storefronts, buildings and local scenes.

Always looking to push my photographic craft further, every outing offers a new lesson or reinforces previous ones. While I made quite a few exposures looking for something different, I fell back to the "skyward" approach as there was simply too much activity at street level distracting from what I had in mind to capture. By pointing the camera "skyward' along the shop fronts, I eliminate the distraction, and capture a unique yet recognizable view if this pretty little town.



  1. Hello Doug,
    Thanks for sharing your photos of the town I was born in. I remember getting lost in this store (as both my brothers and my sister!). The shelve were piled high with linens and all sorts of good stuff, too high for little people to see over or parents to find missing children. Great memories of Hall's!

    1. Paris is a pretty little town. I'm liking my photography outings there because I get to experience more and learn more about it each time I visit. I've never been inside Hall's but you have raised my interest to see what's inside.
      Glad you enjoyed walking down memory lane.
