
Photo of the Week 2016-03-21

Every once in a while it's good to exercise creative muscles. When it comes to my photography, that means shooting something different from time to time. To help me work more of this into my shooting schedule, I've committed to attending more of the presentations and outings made available through the two photo groups I belong to. One recently provided an opportunity with generous access to a prominent Guelph landmark, the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate. The opportunity to revisit some architectural and documentary photography provided some of that much needed excercise and a break from the nature and landscape photography that I have enjoyed over the past months.

In the days leading up to the outing, I pondered what approach I would take, how to capture something different, and what gear, particularly lenses I would use. Photographing the expansive interior of this iconic church proved to be a great opportunity to give my wide angle eye and respective lenses a bit of a workout.

I made this image with an 8mm fish-eye on the 7DII standing literally with my toes bumping up against the step to the sanctuary. In this situation, I felt that the distortion created with the fish-eye conveyed the sense of grandeur in this space.



  1. Replies
    1. It's not about the gear ... right FG? Well, maybe ... a bit. In this case working to capture a sense of the space, an 8 mm fish-eye was just the right gear. From close up, the altar is prominent with the ornate structure surrounding it.
