
Portrait of the Photographer

"Why don't you photograph more people?" is something I hear from many of those who follow my photographic journey. Recently a friend from work was the latest to ask if I would consider photographing their wedding. Now I know that there is a lot more to photographing people and there is a lot more to photographing weddings than there is to photographing people. ... but, as I have mentioned here before, I want to advance my photographic skills and do more "people photography".

For me to do this, I really need to learn and become competent with lighting. To that end, I have been adding some lighting gear to what I had already accumulated over the years. With several speedlites, background kit, stands, softboxes, reflectors, beauty dish & grid, remote flash triggers and various other pieces of kit, I have set up a studio area in the basement to facilitate the learning. I feel Strobist will be a close friend for a while and that is a good thing. The strong community around the off camera flash movement will be just what I need to support my efforts ... of course some very good friends, Alan and Grant are very helpful whenever I have questions or need help.

With the "studio" coming into shape, I could not resist some trial shots. The only available victim (model) was "the Photographer". I feel this will be the case for many of my learning sessions, at least in the beginning. One goal ... to have "people" actually request a sitting.

... the result

self portrait 2011-01-26
1/90 s @ f/8
285 @ 1/2
16" beauty dish w/ grid camera left


  1. Great job as always Doug...considering what you had to work with, sorry cuz couldn't resist. Like I said on my web site about a pic of the guys in the band PKK DJ England photography making old fat guys look good. Thanks for sharing Doug

  2. Given the material, not bad. More soft-focus filters perhaps?

    Also couldn't resist. :)

    I like the bleed-to-black edging effect.

    I too do not usually "do" people. I typically sit waaay back at weddings with the big lens on and get candids. I have 9 wedding mantel shots as a result.

  3. Great self portrait....don't remember the goatee....very dashing I must say....

    enjoy your weekly photographic gifts...hope all is well with you guys.
    the beachbums

  4. Doug

    Great job! I see a photographer who wants to step ot of the comfort zone Cheers aj

  5. What a handsome guy!!!! Great work. Miss you guys! Katie

  6. ok so you are handsome! atleast in pictures... ;p
