
Photo of the Week 2024-06-17


I've been thinking back, June 15, 2018, my last day of "work", by my choice, on my terms I closed the book on a 35 year career ... and retired.

The next book/chapter began with a "surprise" trip to Guatemala with I blogged about at the time. Now as I look back through my image library from that trip, great memories are rekindled. It's wonderful to have those images to spark the memories and I do so enjoy reminiscing, recalling the adventure and good times.

Although I posted a number of images shortly after returning, this one remained on a hard drive, processed, untitled, unpublished ...

' shower taps '
Though the peeling paint texture was added in post, I'm reminded of the quasi outdoor shower at the lodge in the Guatemalan hills ... and the refreshing cold showers that provided relief from the heat and humidity.


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