
Photo of the Week 2024-06-24

' mama bringing home the bugs '
Female Yellow Warbler - From a GPG outing to Urquhart Butterfly Garden , Dundas ON
A number of GPG members met up at Urquhart Butterfly Gardens in Dundas ON, prepared to photograph butterflies and flowers but I encountered this brightly coloured beauty making repeated trips back to what I surmise is the nest with hunger little ones. I kept my distance and allowed her space to do what she needed to do ... ethical wildlife photography trumped interfering with her duties to get a better shot.

A little while later, I saw the male in the same area and grabbed a number of images that I'll share later on social media ;-)


Photo of the Week 2024-06-17


I've been thinking back, June 15, 2018, my last day of "work", by my choice, on my terms I closed the book on a 35 year career ... and retired.

The next book/chapter began with a "surprise" trip to Guatemala with I blogged about at the time. Now as I look back through my image library from that trip, great memories are rekindled. It's wonderful to have those images to spark the memories and I do so enjoy reminiscing, recalling the adventure and good times.

Although I posted a number of images shortly after returning, this one remained on a hard drive, processed, untitled, unpublished ...

' shower taps '
Though the peeling paint texture was added in post, I'm reminded of the quasi outdoor shower at the lodge in the Guatemalan hills ... and the refreshing cold showers that provided relief from the heat and humidity.



Photo of the Week 2024-06-10

 It seems as though I've lived my life on the bad side of the moon ...

' bad side of the moon '
 This is my life, this is my life, this is my life, my life ...
With a nod to Elton John and Bernie Taupin for inspiration on the image title.


Photo of the Week 2024-06-03

I hadn't processed any images after the ones from my recent visit to Algonquin, so I randomly picked one from a collection of candidates set aside fora time just like this ...

' GBH from behind '

This was captured around 5 years ago, one morning at Wilson Flats.  As I recall, I was making my way through the waist high growth on the flood plain between branches of the Grand River and startled this heron from it's fishing in the shallows.

I would rather that I had been more stealthy and noticed it before it saw me ant took flight, but it was what it was ...