
Photo of the Week 2018-01-08

There are times when this blog almost writes itself. And then there are times when if fights being written at all ...

It is the same with making images. There are times when the images almost make themselves, times when there is little or no effort required in selecting a location, grabbing a camera and going out to enjoy the process of creating images. Then there are times when the creative spirit fights to stay bottled up, times lacking the motivation to pick a subject or location and just go, make some images ...

With this weeks blog to be written, motivation to get out and photograph lacking, finding inspiration and a trip through the archive seemed the only answer.

a tree over a canal
Even though I may not make images every day, or even every week, seldom if ever a week goes by when I don't browse images online in magazines or in books on photography. So while I "wasn't feeling it" this past weekend, I was watching my social media stream and an image from Venice by another photographer caught my attention.

The canal scene reminded me of images I had made during a trip several years ago and instead of getting out to make some new images, I chose to use the time to work on one from the archive. Initially I set out to emulate the look of the photo from the media stream. Eventually that gave way to exploring my own vision, my own creativity, and a much different result ... a very satisfying experience.



  1. Nice photo. I expect I'll be turning to the archives some this winter too.

    1. Thanks FG.
      Enjoy your ramble through your archives. I'll be interested to see what you come up with.

  2. Fun to have lovely images like this to "play" with. Brings back fond memories of lovely trips and provides you with ammunition to experiment to achieve different effects. Especially handy when it is minus 20C outside!

    1. Exploring the archives is always a productive exercise Shari ... though I don't do it to avoid the winter cold, as you know, I love being out photographing in winter.
