
Photo of the Week 2015-02-02

Hay Bay 2015-01-31
"... artists can make a living at something other than art in order to dedicate themselves to the imagination and it's expressive craft in their personal time." Shaun McNiff - Trust the Process

Much of my personal time is spent in activities involving or related to photography. The pursuit of higher quality, artistic, photographic images provides a great diversion from my activities related to "making a living". I feel refreshed and invigorated after returning from a successful photo outing, even one as brief as the one that included making this week's image.

Somehow, knowing that I must return to "making a living", the time I spend pursuing photography takes on a greater importance. I have a special appreciation for that time, the locations I get to, the subjects I photograph and the people I may spend the time with. Whenever I look at this image, I will remember the cold walk along the shore of Hay Bay with my wife as sun set behind clouds and blowing snow, before we headed back to the warmth of the cottage to prepare dinner.


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